Ricky Lee and his Horrific like death experience in Martial Law

Posted by cyianite Monday, September 22, 2014

The martial law regime of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos was built on a foundation of lies, wrapped in a scaffolding of deceit, surrounded by the barbed wire of half-truths. The official date which the dictatorship itself considered the start of the so-called New Society was, for instance, fabricated out of Marcos’ obsession with numerology. Because of his fascination with the number seven and its multiples, the sorry, sordid history of martial law began, deliberately, with a lie.
Martial law did not take effect on Sept. 21, 1972. Rather, it was late in the evening of the following day, a Friday, when the ambush of Juan Ponce Enrile, then Marcos’ defense secretary, was faked; when the actual order to execute Proclamation No. 1081 was issued; and when the first arrests, beginning with that of opposition leader Sen. Ninoy Aquino at a Senate committee meeting, were made.

Read more @ INQUIRER.NET

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